The Lin family immigrated from Fujian, southern Chinese province, in 18th century. The forefathers migrated from north-eastern Taiwan, current Yilin region, along the Central Mountain Range toward south. The migration path followed the availabilities of wild camphor trees, the main ingredient of celluloid nitrate. At the peak of camphor oil distill industry of Taiwan, the overall camphor oil from Taiwan reached 80% of the overall global production. It generated much desired profits for Japan, the colonial government then. However, the unsustainable nature of camphor cutting, the industry died down as the resource came to an end. The Lin ancestor settled in the mounty region of Daan.


The earliest settlement at Bamboo house site can be traced back to late 1800’s. The original house no longer existed. The current one was built in 1950’s by Long-Hai Lin, the owner’s father. Long-Hai Lin invested all his saving into building this traditional southern Chinese wood structure house. The main structure is made of Hinoki woods, the same material Japanese uses for temples for its durabilities and unique fragrances. The wall construction method - bricks at lower parts, and bamboo framing at upper parts with bamboo weaved structure panels finished by stucco - is unique in Zhushan region which is rich with bamboo forests. The wood shutters function as window and shading devises at the same time.


The house was out of shapes in early 2000’s as Mrs. Long-Hai Lin passed and the offsprings relocate for works. Until 2006, Winston Lin returned to his hometown after years of working and traveling in China and around the world. He decided to preserve the existing building and only replace the damaged items. That means the repair has to be done in old ways. However, barely any buildings are done the traditional way in 21st century. Finding the knowledgable builders and fit materials is a huge challenge. Once the team was set up, Winston Lin moved on site for 2+ years and finally the house he grew up in was brought back to life with loves and cares.


Although the building is renovated with traditional construction methods, modern facilities such as heated flooring, private bathrooms are introduced. The initial idea is for family gathering only. After the complete of renovation, Winston thought it’s nice to share this family treasure as a guesthouse. The building is surrounded by the nature habitats of a mixture of bamboo and wild forest, therefore Bamboo House.

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